God Doesn’t Want Murderers (Chp. 16)

Doesn’t it seem like half the world is at war with the other half over religion? It says in the bible:

“There will even come a time when anyone who kills you will think he’s doing God a favour.” John 16:2 (TM)

God doesn’t instruct people to harm one another because they differ in opinion.

If you come away from this book no more convinced that Jesus is Lord and that you need him in your life, God is not going to get offended and order me to fill a rucksack with explosives. God love you whether you believe in him or not, whether you accept Jesus is his son or not.

He doesn’t contradict his nature. He is a loving God and just like how a father will be annoyed at their children for scribbling on the living room walls, but his heart warms when he thinks about how much he still loves them, God cares about everybody despite their beliefs.

He does not want me to kill you, nor hate you, nor dislike you, nor mock you.

There are many false gods who people worship, and some may have even got their lives right with the god of the universe before they died. God instructs us to tell people the truth about his love, not attack them for seeing things differently and if anyone ever persecutes you for struggling to believe in Jesus, they are not believing in Jesus themselves.

Some Christians are scared to ‘rock the boat’ by declaring the truth outright. The truth that, Jesus is God – the only one who can save your soul from Hell. I say that not out of arrogance, but urgency. If you care about having your car, house, possessions, pets, holidays and health insured, you certainly should think about the most important thing that you could lose – your ticket to Heaven which is also your guarantee to stay out of Hell. Please insure your soul before it’s too late.

The Only King

Buddha may be in Heaven,

Hare Krishna, as well.

If they gave their lives to Jesus,

Then they both escaped Hell.

If all the so-called ‘prophets’,

Monarchy and Popes,

Made Christ the answer

To their dreams and hopes,

If they acknowledged he was Lord,

And God’s only son,

If they repented of the evil

They had said and done,

They would have been forgiven

For their every sin,

Heaven will have opened

And gladly let them in.

They would now be living

With God on high,

And praising Jesus,

When he passes by.

Many religious leaders

Have left a legacy of thoughts,

But true enlightenment comes from

All that Jesus taught.

Only Jesus is alive,

So, when you pray that is why,

Your hero cannot hear you

And you get no reply.

Only Jesus hears

Every word – every sigh,

He’s the only comfort

When tears fall as you cry.

All gurus, teachers

Have died and passed away,

No blood pumps through their veins

So, they’re silent when you pray.

There are religions by the thousands,

Sending minds into a haze,

But we can’t reach the Creator

In many different ways.

Jesus died on the cross,

Rising in three days.

He is the only one

Who deserves our love and praise.

If we look to others for help,

God is deeply grieved,

If we trust in them to save our souls

We are greatly deceived.

There are many up in Heaven,

But please hear this one thing…                                                                                      

Despite the crowds in Paradise,

Jesus is the only King.

Jesus is the only one

Who sits up on the throne,

You can reach your Holy God

Through Jesus Christ alone.