Frequently Asked Questions

“Soul Obession” by Nicky Cruz.

I never beg people to leave reviews. If this makes you nervous, be assured that if you buy a book and find out that it isn’t suitable for you, you can obtain a refund as quickly as you would for any other Amazon purchase.

Elizabeth Elliot

Reinhard Bonnke

Absolutely not. My long-term memory is amazing, bordering on uncanny. I think God helped remind me of some of the minute details, but in reality, they had such an impact on me at the time, that I think it just all stayed in my brain archives, waiting to be retrieved.

I love them all for different reasons:

The RDB was the first one I wrote and by far, the hardest.

A Manly Man was written on request from my husband wanting a non-girly evangelistic resource.

WYMGS 1&2 contain extremely emotive subjects.

Life In a Christian Bookshop made me laugh and cry the most.

God Loves Children was the most fun to write and is the most popular out of the 6.

If I really have to pick a favourite, it would be The Rhyming Drama Book because it contains my 2 favourite stories of the Bible (Esther & Joseph) These stories blow my mind.

I find people fascinating and I love social psychology.

I marvel at how one can see God’s glory in many ordinary stiuations, even negative ones.

I have an incredible long-term memory.

‘Alcatraz’ from Life in a Christian Bookshop was the hardest thing to describe. Words fail me. Nothing comes anywhere near to describing how bad it was.

The hardest and saddest thing to write about was the story of my young daughter’s loneliness at school, featured in, God Loves Children, and the one about my mother’s loneliness, featured in WYMGS 2. Also, “I Thought I Knew Pain” from WYMGS Vol.2 was incredibly hard to transcribe.

overcoming depression

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Are there any questions I’ve not answered here? I’d love to chat with you. Feel free to contact me using the contact form, which you can access easily here: