Chapter 11: Is Going to Church Girly?

Hey, no worries. At least you are being honest. Well, it’s true that some churches do have a large population of elderly men and some have an imbalance of women in proportion to males. But there are a great many good churches out there that are full of teenagers, young adults, young families, businessmen and guys like you.

Church is for everyone and it is not until you begin attending one that you will find your mind’s stereotype doesn’t always come into play.

You’re right that some men probably are just going along with their wives to keep the peace. And maybe some younger ones do use church as a social club.

But if that was the case, they would be gathering together to sing. Christians don’t sing, they praise. They don’t sing, they worship. There’s a big difference.

If they jump about, raise their hands, clap and close their eyes, it’s an outward expression of what’s going on in the heart.

For those who are expressing themselves in these ways out of a sense of obligation, it is as ridiculous as it looks. It is also hard to keep up the pretence, because quite frankly, it is boring.

I don’t know who you’ve observed, but if men were indeed just regularly attending church for a false reason, it would soon become a drudgery that nobody in the right mind would want to keep up.

No, regular male churchgoers go because of their relationship with their Lord Jesus Christ. I can’t vouch for every other religion, but I know that there are millions of men who attend their places of worship out of duty because they are petrified that if they don’t, God will punish them.

A relationship with Jesus is not one of obligation but willingness to be around like-minded believers. There are many other reasons for being part of a local church, but I’m trying to stick to your burning issue about feeling it is not for you.

Maybe much older men would be happy to continue attending their ‘club’, but most mobile non-believers surely would not. Gardening, reading the newspaper, walking the dog, listening to the radio and watching sports would draw them away soon enough!

God knows your innermost feelings. Give your anxieties and fears to him and ask him to lead you to a church where you will feel comfortable.

Word of caution here though. Churches are full of imperfect people so don’t expect everyone to be like you. Many introverted Christians have strayed away from certain places because they found it too much. Likewise, a good few extroverts have also left because they were impatient for recognition. What I mean is, they allowed their pride to get int the way of the importance of serving in areas that were not as glamorous and noticeable as they would have liked. Remember that devil we talked about? Well, he loves nothing better than to see people wander off on their own.

Think of it like a herd of buffalos. Does the wolf go for the one who is grazing in the middle of the flock or the loner who has strayed off to nibble the grass by the hedge? The wolf knows that if he tries to attack the one amongst the herds, they will all see and begin not only to protect it but will commence an attack back.

Sorry about using another analogy, but when a Christian stays away from meeting together with fellow believers, they become the lone buffalo that is munching dinner by himself, oblivious to the fact that the wolf is behind the foliage, ready to pounce.

Yes, people are annoying. Yes, many can be self-focussed and insensitive to the needs of others. Christians can fall into the trap of being worldly or too pious, fussy or plain barmy. But you need to be part of a family of like-minded people whether they feel like family or not.

It’s all about looking past the rough. A church family will always support you in prayer and other practical ways in time of trouble and sometimes it’s not until you hit hard times that you realise who is truly on your side and worth depending on.

Being part of a church brings so much more than protection. It isn’t a job to tick off your list on a Sunday to make yourself feel holy.

I’ve covered a lot of things here and I hope I haven’t confused you. In a nutshell, if you surrendered your life to Jesus, but refused to attend a local church, you wouldn’t last for long. The wolf would spot you from miles away and would begin making plans to swallow you whole.

Believe me, you will look more of an idiot blazing inside an unquenchable furnace, than sitting in a room amongst godly grandads and virtuous women.

‘fraid so.