Thank you to the Faithful: Mission Workers (Chp. 10)

Those who are serious about serving the Lord overseas are under no delusion that it is a vacation. They often feel forgotten when their email updates are not replied to promptly. They usually have no-one to take over from them when they are feeling burnt-out. During their struggles, they wonder who has remembered to pray for them. God never forgets them, and he is grateful for all the hard work that has been put in when nobody else was watching and nobody else knew.

They know good works don’t earn anyone a passport to Heaven – they are doing it because the love Jesus has put in their hearts for others compels them to share the good news about salvation.

Thank you

You knew it wouldn’t be cosy,

Sleeping on a hard floor.

You heard the scuffle of cockroach legs

And they slid under your door.

You knew you’d need some tee shirts,

That could handle getting wet,

From all the sudden downpours,

And a shoulder drenched in sweat.

You knew you’d lie awake,

Listening to a cricket,

But nothing put you off

Buying a one-way ticket.

It was never going to be easy,

Leaving it all behind.

Flying to a country,

Not knowing what you would find.

You’ve been learning the language,

Each day and every week,

Yet the locals collapse in laughter

Every time they hear you speak.

Often, it’s hard to swallow

After taking a small bite,

Of your host’s funny-tasting,

Gastronomical delight.

It’s cost them a week’s wages

To cook this for you, and yet,

You can’t help wondering

What happened to their pet.

But this is your calling,

And there’s a smile upon your face,

For you know without a doubt,

That you’re in the right place.

Thank you for your sacrifice,

Forfeiting your own will.

The path you chose was narrow,

The gradient, a trek uphill.

Your loved-ones were left behind,

So was your ambition.

Knowing there’s more pleasure

In going on a mission.

Your colleagues thought you were mad,

Saying, your holiday was displaced.

To go and serve the needy

To them, seemed such a waste.

If you’d stayed at home,

By now, you could be rich.

But you preferred to hold a hand

And pull it from a ditch.

You preferred to hug,

Though the smell was unbearable.

You ditched your fancy jeans

For clothes that were unwearable.

Others who could not go,

Stayed behind and prayed.

Others still, gave finances

Because they were not afraid.

They knew the funds would multiply

And where desperation was rife,

They knew that God would use it

To save another life.

You all have sacrificed,

Your personal goals.

You good and faithful servants

Have a heart for people’s souls.

You did this for Jesus

And one day you’ll see,

The rewards that await you,

In eternity.

Thank you.
