Listen To Jesus: Suggested Summary & Prayer

To be conducted preferably by either:

A group leader.

A church leader.

The Narrator.

Thank you for sitting patiently, watching, and listening while our students performed this great sketch excellently.

We hope that in this short time, you have gained a deeper insight into how amazing God is when we let him work in our lives.

Like Jesus, we are often in situations where the devil is whispering things into our ears to get us to do things that displease God. Not only does this hurt our heavenly Father, but it hurts us too. One of the main ways giving in to temptation affects us is that it floods us with guilt and shame. Another way is that it separates us from God’s presence, and we find it so hard to find peace of mind.

You may have not realised the extent to which God’s word, the Bible, helps us to resist temptations and do the right thing. We cannot be holy without the help of Jesus and God has given us this story to show how when we use the Bible properly, we gain strength to overcome everything that is trying to hinder us.

If you would like the opportunity to get to know Jesus better and have a close relationship with God the father, there is a simple prayer you can pray right now.

We have to first acknowledge that we need to be forgiven of our sin. Sin is anything we do, think, or say that is displeasing to God, which includes living life independently of him.

When you become a Christian, your problems do not just suddenly go away. There will still be enemies to face, debts to pay, sickness and pain, fear, and loneliness. But the difference is that you will have the King of kings walking alongside you to help you, guide you, comfort you, deliver you, strengthen, and give you hope and peace. Best of all, you will have the assurance that when you die, you will be taken in God’s kingdom, Heaven, to live with him forever.

So now we will talk to God. If you mean what you say, God will hear you. Don’t look for outward signs of feeling different or crying. Some of you may, but some may not. That’s okay because God is concerned with your heart.

Also, some of you may feel embarrassed to admit you have prayed this prayer and some may be concerned about what your friends will think. Remember two things. 1. You came into this world on your own and you will die on your own. Nobody else will be able to save you, so it really is nobody else’s business what you are doing right now. When you stand before God at the end of your life, those friends whose opinions you were afraid of, won’t be there to help persuade God to let you into Heaven.

Secondly, you may not have another chance to get your life right with your Creator, so please take this opportunity to sort things out with God right now.

Dear God,

Thank you for giving us your bible to show us how to resist the devil when temptations come our way.

Thank you that if we give our lives wholeheartedly to you, we can receive, strength, peace, wisdom, and comfort. I desperately want those things and I want to be free from the guilt of my sin, so I humbly come before you now to give my life to you.

I am sorry for the wrong things I have done in my life, which you call sin.

I acknowledge that I was born a sinner, which means that it’s in my nature to do things that displease you. I know that this includes the deepest thoughts and attitudes of my heart and the real motives behind everything I do.

Please forgive me for those sins and especially for the sin of keeping you out of my life.

Even though you love me, I know that because you are a God of justice and holiness, if I die without having my sins forgiven, I will spend eternity without you, in a terrible place called Hell.

I acknowledge that I need you and I want you in my life.

I believe that Jesus Christ is your son and that he died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. I believe he rose again and is the living power that can take the Devil’s hold off my life. Please come into my life now and touch my heart with your forgiveness and love. I want to have a relationship with and get to know you more. My very being was created for this purpose and without you, my hunger for peace and happiness will never be satisfied.

I give you my life now. Please lead me to people who will help me become a good strong Christian and who will show me how to relate to the things of God. Help me to find a Bible that suits my understanding and a church that I can call home.

Thank you, Lord. I believe by faith now that you have answered my prayer. I believe that no matter how bad I may feel about myself in the future, you have forgiven me and saved me from my sins. Thank you. Amen.