Consequences: Director’s Notes

At the beginning of Scene One, Jo and Lisa are in the CENTRE and facing DOWN RIGHT, Jo is in front of Lisa and Lisa runs to catch up with her. Throughout the rest of the dialogue, they Stand DOWN RIGHT, facing each other.

In Scene Two, Jo is standing in the CENTRE facing DOWN RIGHT. Mark walks around her in circles throughout his dialogue but occasionally pauses to stand in front of her and take both her hands into his to kiss one of them. She is looking down but occasionally up looks up at him sheepishly like a child being scolded. When he says, “…you sexy/pretty little beauty.” he kisses the left side of her neck from behind. Mark often talks in a mocking voice then quickly tries to soften his approach by standing in front of her and taking her hands into his.

In Scene Three, there is a mattress acting as a couch in the centre of the stage, leaning against a makeshift wall or sturdy chairs. Mark’s torso is slumped to one side so that his head is resting on a cushion, but his legs are hanging off the mattress as if he has fallen asleep in front of the ‘television’. An arm is tucked under his head and the hand on the same arm is holding an empty beer can. He remains this way throughout the entire dialogue.

Lisa is sitting up facing the audience but looking back at Mark. A Bible is on her knees. After the last line of the dialogue, she pushes the Bible onto the floor and leans onto Mark’s back and closes her eyes, as the lights dim.

In Scene Four, Jo is sitting in the centre of the stage on a chair. She is looking uncomfortable and rubbing both arms. She is talking to the audience but doesn’t give much eye contact as she is embarrassed. Occasionally she looks up to the ceiling because she is thinking back to the past.

The narrator comes onto the stage and stands facing the audience DOWN CENTRE, but careful not to block the audience’s view of Jo. Just before the Narrator speaks, Jo puts her feet up on the chair and rests her chin on her knees. After the Narrator has read the bible verses, she turns around and exits the stage either left or right, while the lights fade on Jo, who has remained onstage in the same position.