
The Rhyming Drama Book has been written particularly for students in schools, churches, and youth groups who wish to perform short plays based on Bible stories, and biblical principles.

Each story is designed to help you make the Bible come alive in an exciting way and I have kept the suggested props and costumes basic, to accommodate those performing on a low budget. However, performers may adjust the props and costumes according to the individual needs of the cast, and the setting on which the play is being performed.

Each play comes with a page detailing the suggested props and costumes required, bible references, approximate duration, a suggested summary with salvation prayer and director’s notes at the end.

I hope that practising and performing will be a great joy to you. Remember that no matter how small your stage is or how quickly your performance is over, God’s amazing word is living and active as has the power to change lives. So, whether you are a group of budding actors or just trying to share the good news of salvation with your local community, he is working through you, so have fun.

May God bless you abundantly!