Chapter 9: A Body to Die For

Have you ever seen a dead body in real life? Up close and personal?

Imagine one is lying in front of you – a dead male, all pale and lifeless on a slab.

It is no longer referred to as a person, but a “body”. Compared to someone who is still alive, this body looks quite pathetic with no heart beating, no lungs breathing, no brain function, no acknowledgement of you in the room.

Well, he might still have great pecs if he’d trained hard in the gym.

Okay, so here we have a dead man with good muscles. Is he still classed as being fit?

Not if he’s dead.

That’s true and his limbs and chest will soon look flabby and weak when in a few hours, those well worked-out muscles start to become as limp as a snapped elastic band. So, do you feel jealous of him?

No I do not!


Because he’s no longer alive. And…and he looks dreadful.

So, how can we make it look more sophisticated? Let’s try.

  • Put a cigarette in its mouth.
  • Put a beer can in its left hand.
  • Place a football scarf around his neck.
  • Put on a branded tee shirt, and designer trainers that cost a month’s wages.
  • Get a sexy model to lean against his arm.
  • Place a wad of cash in his wallet and a gold ring on his finger that displays the logo of a notorious gang.
  • By his feet, place a real leather briefcase and next to the scarf, pop a lanyard over his neck that says ‘Manager’.
  • Then get 2 Golden Globe awards, one Oscar and 3 BAFTAs.
  • Finally, place him inside a sports car and add door keys to a mansion.

We’re finished. Right, how does he look? Are you jealous of him now?

Are you crazy or something? Why would anybody be jealous of a person who has passed away?

Then why do we often feel we need these attachments as crutches to support our ego when we are alive?

Our physical image, worldly status and possessions are not what determines our worth.

If you are successful in your job and you have things in your home that you treasure, that is wonderful. If you can afford to possess the car of your dreams that’s fine. Just don’t make it your idol, because it has no eternal value.

What does that mean?

Well, you can’t take it with you when you die. You can’t turn up to Heaven in your brand-new convertible and expect God to be impressed.

There’s nothing wrong with having nice things so long as you don’t become selfish, proud and obsessive over them, to the point that you give more regard to them than where you will end up when your heart stops beating for good.

How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog – it’s there a little while then it’s gone.

(James 4:14)

When we die, we cannot take any of this with us. As for people’s memories of you, they won’t be talking about how classy you were, or how you always looked so great in your expensive shirts. They will be focussing on what your character was like, what they miss about your personality and whether they have peace in their mourning, because they know they will see you again; that they can rejoice through the tears because you gave your heart to Jesus while on earth.

As ridiculous the dead man looks with all those useless things attached to him, you are ridiculous if you are cherishing those earthly things over the state of your soul and the assurance of what will happen to you when you die.

I was planning on building a large house with state-of-the-art equipment and all the gadgets you’ve ever dreamed of. I felt excited that my retirement would be spent in luxury and comfort. But now you’re telling me that I’ve got my priorities wrong? That it’s okay to have the house, but not to make it my end goal to happiness.  I never even considered the fact that I might pass away before I get to live in it. Part of that future joy was going to come from knowing that my friends would be envious of such a lavish mansion. But I see what you mean now. I can’t take it with me and nothing inside that house will grant me a ticket to paradise.

What time we waste trying to gather things to make us feel secure when all along we are just slowly making steps towards our demise!

I feel a little depressed now.

Well, you don’t have to. Life with Jesus brings fulfilment more than anything you’ve ever imagined. You will still have problems and heartache, but Jesus turns the dark into light and sadness to joy. Lasting joy that nothing and no one can ever prise away from your heart.  

Don’t store up treasures here on earth where moths eat them and rust destroys them and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven. (Matthew 6:19)

(Matthew 6:19)