Offense and Forgiveness: Fifteen Minutes (Chp. 12)

That person. Yes that one. The one who has really annoyed you. The one who deserves to be stripped and beaten in public, or at least shamed on social media.

How could they go around acting like there’s nothing wrong? Do people know what they did to you? And…and…and they are not even sorry!

My mother once described to me a scenario that had a lasting effect on me. Whenever I am at loggerheads with anyone – especially if it has caused deep, emotional pain, I imagine we are both in a dark cell about to be tortured and murdered for our faith. Forgiveness then comes as easy as fishing in a puddle. It works every time.

Fifteen Minutes

We let down our guard

And then we lose sight.

We begin to bicker,

Which leads to a fight.

Then a voice cries out,

“You’re breaking ties.

It’s time for you both,

To close your eyes.

Now…imagine this,

You are both in a cell,

It’s cold, it’s dark,

There’s a horrible smell.

But that can’t compare

To the screams outside.

You can’t block this out,

There’s nowhere to hide.

It’s the scream of persecution,

The scream of agony.

In fifteen minutes,

That’s where you will be.

One of you, anyway,

And one will remain,

But of you both will die,

In terrible pain.

Unless you deny Jesus,

Renounce him for good,

Give up your Saviour,

Do you think that you could?”

As I hear more screams,

I know this is real.

I no longer care about,

How I used to feel.

In fifteen minutes,

They’ll open this door,

One of us is next,

But who, I’m not sure

But one thing I know,

For you, I’ve no hate,

We share the same Father,

We share the same fate.

As they come to the door,

And undo the bolt,

I no longer care,

Who was at fault.                      

Any disagreement,

That we had in the past,

Is forgotten now,

As my heart beats so fast.

All I want to do,

Is lift you in prayer,

You’re my sister in Christ,

And I really do care.

Nothing else matters,

But knowing for sure,

That you will stand firm,

Be strong and endure.

Isn’t it amazing,

How the fear of strong pain,

Restores my feelings

And I love you again?

Isn’t it amazing

How we can put away strife,

When we are faced with the threat

Of losing our life?