Chapter 14: The Alphabet of Becoming a Christian

Before I explain what all the spiritual jargon in this book means, I would like to take you on a trip from A-P. This alphabetical checklist will help you know for certain that you have taken the correct steps to becoming a Christian. It is also a guideline to help you make sure you are going to a proper church and not being hoodwinked into getting mixed-up with the wrong kind of associations.

So, you have said the sinner’s prayer in the previous chapter. Sometimes it seems too easy to be believed and our intellectual brains try to convince us that we still haven’t become a Christian properly. The checklist below will help you confirm that you indeed have followed all the steps and that God is in the process of helping you get to the next stages. Remember that I said there is no rush – there are important procedures to follow, such as getting baptised, but for now, just enjoy the fact that the angels in Heaven are rejoicing that another sinner has been saved from eternal punishment. This is a miracle in itself, so enjoy basking in that amazing fact!


A. ADMIT that you are a sinner and have fallen short of God’s standards.

B. BELIEVE that Jesus died for you and rose again to give you new life.

C. CONFESS to God that you need his forgiveness.

D. DIE to self by deciding that God knows what is best for your life.

E. EXPECT God to lead you to the right church, friends and other things you need.

F. FOLLOW JESUS by regularly reading the bible to hear what he’s saying to you. With his words, he comforts, guides, instructs, convicts, teaches, corrects and helps you to see yourself the way he sees you.

G. GET INTO GOOD HABITS EARLY (prayer, church attendance, bible reading) but realise that none of these things make you more holy, nor do they impress God; in the sense that if you just do them to win his favour, you are being religious.

Christianity is about having a personal relationship with your God, not jumping through hoops to keep him appeased. That is religion and God hates it because it is insincere and based on trying to do good works to ‘keep him sweet’.

He loves you as you are. You cannot make him love you more. He is not an earthly person whose emotions fluctuate.

So to conclude on point G, these practices should be done out of a natural desire to get to know him and to live a godly life.

H. HARBOUR A SPIRIT OF FORGIVENESS towards others because people will still wind you up. Forgiveness is, ‘giving up my right to resent you for hurting me’. There is also a quote that says, ‘Unforgiveness is like pouring poison into your oppressor’s glass, but then drinking it yourself.’ Dwelling on hurts does you no good. Life is tough, but God knows how to bring you justice and restore relationships where necessary.

I. IGNORE THOSE WHO MOCK YOU for being a Christian and maintaining godly values. Morality and virtue are more important than popularity. People are fickle anyway. A great reputation can be ruined by the friends you thought were most loyal, just because of jealousy or misunderstanding. Trust God to uphold you during times of trial and betrayal.

J. JESUS WANTS TO BE YOUR BEST FRIEND. Talk to him about anything and everything. He can never be embarrassed or shocked at what you have to say, so chat away!

K. KEEP A SHORT ACCOUNT WITH YOUR RELATIONSHIPS with others so that the devil doesn’t get to cause disunity between you. Fall-outs happen. Make-up quickly and recognise that people will let you down. That’s humanity. The only perfect friend is God.

L. LEADERS IN YOUR CHURCH ARE IMPERFECT TOO. Your vicar, pastor, deacon, curate, elder, bishop or house group leader will irritate you at some point. Don’t look to leave your church each time things go wrong. Christianity is a lifetime of learning to love and accept others.

M. MANIPULATION BY CHURCH LEADERS IS NEVER GOD’S WILL. Make sure that in trying to remain in your church, that you don’t fall into the trap of being spiritually abused. Even though it is important to remain where God put you, it is never his will for you to be controlled, bullied, manipulated, emotionally blackmailed, publicly humiliated or insulted. There is a big difference between somebody correcting you lovingly, and them mistreating you because they are an arrogant leader, or insecure and feeling threatened by you in some way.

If things don’t seem right, recognise that there may be a problem and pray to God for emotional strength to make the right decision. Don’t remain among toxic people for fear that they will judge you for leaving or talk behind your back when you go. Escape and know that you are protecting yourself from further abuse.

N. NEVER LET ANYONE CONVINCE YOU THAT YOU ARE TOO BAD TO BE FORGIVEN OR TOO USELESS TO BE USED BY GOD. This is not from the spirit of God. Run from these type of people, no matter how godly others claim them to be. No matter how popular and successful they may seem.

Never give money to a church with the promise of a greater reward for the more you give. God blesses cheerful, willing givers, but some leaders take advantage of people’s generosity. Ask God for wisdom.

O. OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S WORD WILL BRING YOU CONTINUED BLESSING. (Read Deuteronomy Chapter 28.) If Christians around you seem to be doing things that contradict God’s word, know that you are right to question things. If you haven’t been a Christian for as long as them, don’t readily assume that you are just being fussy, over-reacting or misinterpreting scripture. You could be right. Ask God to lead you to other Christians who ‘fear him’ properly. This means, those who are concerned about pleasing him more than being double-minded. As you grow in your faith by studying the bible, you will learn to hear the prompting of the Holy Spirit when something is not quite right.

P. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE ENJOY YOUR NEW LIFE IN CHRIST and don’t be scared of problems. Yes, Christians and churches can let you down and be a bad example of Jesus, but many places are full of loving congregations who want to nurture you and help you in your faith.

Don’t let potential catastrophes put you off, and if you have trust issues, your Lord understands. He will help you. Despite the many who give God a bad name, this world is still full of wonderful loving Christians – some of whom you will meet. May God bless you in your new and exciting journey with Jesus!

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