Let Me Pray With You (Last chapter)

Just before this book was published, I turned on my car radio to hear the news. I had decided to be Miss Super Sensible, so the station I tuned into was BBC Radio 4. A programme was just finishing, so I didn’t know what the main topic had been, but the presenter was wrapping-up by asking her three guests one last question:

“How does one find God?”

The first guest said, “Go on a pilgrimage.” Then he proceeded to waffle on about I don’t know what.

The second guest replied, “Find God inside you. One must look inside themselves deeply and they will discover that God is there.” She also waffled incoherently.

The last guest was very distinct. She simply said, “Look to the person of Jesus Christ and you will find God.”

The programme promptly ended without further discussion on the matter.

May I make one request to you just before you put down this book? Please, please, please take the advice of the third person and ignore the first two. With all due respect, the first two guests were talking a total load of nonsense. No pilgrimages are needed – stay right where you are. Don’t look for God inside you – if you do that, the only person you’re likely to bump into is Satan.

Unlike many religions, who assume that gathering converts will earn them a special favour with God, Christians know God doesn’t demand a following by using bribes.

In modern terms, I am not on divine commission. Whether you enjoy things I’ve talked about or not, accept Jesus as your Saviour or not, I am still on my way to Heaven to live with my Heavenly Daddy forever. But I’d love to see you there because I know how dreadful Hell is and I know what joy awaits you when you give your life over to the one who made you.

Why do business gurus love sharing their knowledge even though they could happily retire on their millions and never give away their secrets? Why do medical pioneers make it known when they have found a cure for a nasty disease? Why don’t they just keep it a secret between their family and friends? Because it’s great to see people set free. How wonderful it is to hear of a homeless man becoming a millionaire because somebody took the time to teach him wise business tactics! How lovely to see babies being inoculated from diseases that once wiped-out millions!

I know Jesus can make a huge difference to your life even if you are currently quite content with your lot. We don’t wait till we are in a coma before signing life assurance papers, so neither should we ignore the question of: “What is going to happen to my soul after I have breathed my last breath?”

I appreciate that pertinent door knockers, miserable sandwich board wearers, suicide bombers, money embezzlers, judgemental placard holders who scream out lies saying God hates gay people, wife cheaters and brothel attenders, and child abusers haven’t made this easy for you. But on that day when you have to stand before God and give an account of what you did about your knowledge of Jesus, you will not be able to blame any of them for your refusal to accept his amazing gift of forgiveness. It will be just you and him. Let God deal with the hypocrites and all who give him a ‘bad name’ – concentrate on your own short comings.

Here’s a prayer you can pray to make things right:

(Don’t get too hung-up on how you address him – you can say, “Dear God or Lord, Father in Heaven, Dear Father, Loving Father, Lord my God, Father God…”