The Story of Joseph: Scene Seven “The Dreams”

Scene Seven: Narration (Based on Genesis 40:1-8)

Yes, things had been looking good for Joseph until Potiphar sent him to prison. But God did not forget about him and proved he was with him by showing the chief jailer what a pure heart Joseph had. Everything he did was done with a good attitude and therefore, done well. Very soon, the chief jailer put him in charge of all the rest of the prisoners and made him responsible for everything that happened in the prison.

One day two prisoners had a dream…

Scene Seven: “The Dreams” (Based on Genesis 40:1-19)


I had a dream. I had a dream.

I had a dream. What could it mean?


I am confused. I’m so confused.

I had a dream. I’m not amused.


Well God is in the business of interpreting dreams.

I believe if I pray, he’ll show me what it means.

There is a plan God wants to fulfil.

God is in the business of revealing his will.

Yes, God is in the business of making things clear.

So, tell me what happened. Speak up. Make it clear.


Well, in my dream I saw a vine,

I squeezed the grapes – they turn to wine.

The vine then blossomed like a tree,

It grew a branch – not one, but three.

I really do not understand.

I poured wine into the cup in Pharoah’s hand.


Now listen to what the mighty God says:

The three branches represent three whole days.

God intends to take you on a mission –

You’ll be restored in three days, to your first position.

You were the Cupbearer for the king,

before he accused you of a terrible thing.

Now, you’re forgiven, and he wants you back,

so get your stuff and start to pack.


Oh, that’s great, now listen to mine!

In my dream, there was no wine.

But I saw three baskets instead

and all of them…were on my head.

Inside the baskets, types of cake,

But what happened next, makes me shake.

Birds ate the wares from this hat.

So, what do you deduce from that?


Well, who can question our mighty God’s ways?

Those baskets represent three whole days.

In three days, Baker, you will be dead,

for the Pharoah will come and chop off your head.

Your body will then be impaled on a pole,

and those birds will come and eat you whole.