Not What It Seems

The more I live this life, the more I’ve come to realise that often, things are not what they seem.

People who appear to be happy can be nurturing a deep sadness. Quiet people can have an abundance of self-confidence. Noisy, gregarious people are sometimes feeling insecure. Some couples who can’t stop touching each other, will be divorced within 18 months.

I like the lyrics to this song:

We are all the same, it seems,

Behind the eyes.

Broken promises and dreams

In good disguise.

All we’re really looking for

Is somewhere safe and warm

The shelter of each other in the storm.

(Amy Grant)

I believe we all need each other. We’ve all got encouraging stories brewing up inside of us that someone, somewhere needs to hear. Everyone has a tale to tell, because we have lived a bit of life that has given us an experience unique to us.

I’d like to take this time right now to encourage you to start putting together your story. It doesn’t have to be in the format of a physical book. Just communicate in a way that is comfortable for you.

In the Bible, the writers who penned the Psalms, were often so full of emotion, that they blurted out anger, frustration, fear, jealousy, desire for vengeance, impatience and disappointment in God, without even thinking about presentation and style. Some did cleverly put words together in a poetic format, or to the tune of certain songs, but not all. After expressing their angst, they then considered the goodness of God and ended their tirade with words of faith, knowing that despite what they were going through, the Lord was the one who would deliver them from their distress.

This honesty and reflection is encouraging, for like the song above states, deep down, we are all the same, because even though our circumstanes and backgrounds differ from each other, we all go through heartaches and trials that leave us deserate for divine intervention.

I don’t know what most people are currently facing, but I do know that the situations I have experienced will help somebody in their own corner of the world, have hope that with God’s help, they will come out the other side, undestroyed. That’s why I love to write. God is so faithful, even when we mess-up big time.

He comes alongside us when we go through hard times and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times – so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. (2Cor 1:4 MSG)

My prayer is that you will find something among my pages that will bless you abundantly so you can then go and tell you own story of God’s goodness and love when it felt like your whole world was caving in.

Much love,