Lessons to be Learnt From the *Half-idiotic Boy

*This term was not intended to be derogatory. George Mueller who coined the phrase, loved children so much that he sacrificially looked after over 10,000 orphans in his lifetime and established 117 schools. He was trying to explain that the boy appeared to have special needs, or as we would respectfully say nowadays, had learning difficulties.

George Mueller (1805 -1898), tells a story of a time when a man was travelling on an open wagon ridden by a very strong donkey. A young boy whom he described as half-idiotic, flagged the vehicle down in order to hitch a ride. He was carrying a heavy load. The man agreed and the boy climbed up onto the cart with his laden basket. Thinking he would do the donkey a favour, the boy held his heavy load high in the air throughout the journey, in order to help ease the weight for the animal. Naturally, bearing heavy loads is precisely what the donkey was for and it would have been easily able to carry the weight of many cumbersome bundles.

Mr Mueller used this story to highlight how we sometimes treat God like how the young boy regarded the donkey. We have heavy loads that we cannot bear, but instead of casting the weight onto our ever-willing Father, we hold onto the burdens ourselves.

There are so many things to worry about in life and often, it is a daily battle to fight off anxiety as soon as we awake. But that is precisely what our heavenly father wants us to do through the power of his Holy Spirit. We were not created to be bowed down with stress.

There is a story in my book, “Why You Make God Smile Vol. 1” (Hanging From the Ropes of Life) which talks about a time when I was so crippled with fear that I literally could not move. The experience taught me a valuable lesson about trusting in God at all times.

Like the donkey cart owner, I also have encountered a young boy with learning difficulties whom God used to teach me a lesson about his never ending love for us. The Mystery of the Disappearing Boy can be found in Chapter 13 of, “God Loves Children”.

Some people think God is silent. He is not. He uses many ordinary situations to remind us of how much he cares about what is going on in our hearts and lives.

As you read through these excerpts, true stories and articles, may you receive a fresh encounter with him today.