The Story of Joseph: Preliminary Information. Cast, Props, Duration etc.

Topic: The story of Joseph from birth to the death of Jacob (Based on Genesis 37-49)

Main theme: God is in control of our destiny

Approx duration: 38 minutes

  1. Cast, Suggested Props & Costumes.
  2. SCENE 1: Narration (Based on Genesis 37:1-17)
  3. SCENE 1: Let’s See (Based on Genesis 37:1-20)
  4. SCENE 2 : Narration (Based on Genesis 37:21-24)
  5. SCENE 2 : Where Is The Hand? (Based on Genesis 37)
  6. SCENE 3 : Narration Based on Genesis 37:25-30)
  7. SCENE 3: Secret Intention (Based on Genesis 37:25-30)
  8. SCENE 4: Narration (Based on Genesis 37:31-35)
  9. SCENE 4: Broken Promise – The Cry of Jacob (Based on Genesis 37:29-35)
  10. SCENE 5: Narration (Based on Genesis 37:36 & 39:1-7)
  11. SCENE 5: Confrontation (Based on Genesis 37:36 & Genesis 39:1-20)
  12. SCENE 6: Still Waiting (Based on Job 28, Genesis 39:21-23 &  40:23)
  13. SCENE 7: Narration (Based on Genesis 39:20 – 40:1-8)
  14. SCENE 7: The Dreams (Based on Genesis 40:1-19)
  15. SCENE 8: Narration (Based on Genesis 40:20 – 41:45)
  16. SCENE 9: Narration (Based on Genesis 42:1-5)
  17. SCENE 9: My Brothers (Based on Genesis 42:1-20)
  18. SCENE 10: Narration (Based on Genesis 42:23 – 44:34)
  19. SCENE 10: The Appointed Time (Based on Genesis 42-45)
  20. SCENE 11: Narration (Based on Genesis 44 & 45)
  21. SCENE 11: Reunion (Genesis 44 & 45) Plus end narration (Genesis 46 & 47, 48:11, 49:33)
  22. Suggested Summary
  23. Director’s Notes

Cast, Costumes, Props

Cast: 30 characters + a narrator














Potiphar’s wife




Non-speaking parts


2 traders who become the 2 jailers in Scene 5

10 people who play the ‘crowd’ of foreigners who have come to buy food, in Scene 10.

Suggested costumes & props

A medium to long-length colourful cardigan, jacket, or coat.

Several pieces of pita bread

11 plastic cups

A large ground-cloth for brothers eating in the field.

Several large boxes to act as rocks around the opening of the pit.

A tee-shirt for Reuben that can be easily ripped in several stages.

A shirt to be worn by Jacob that can be ripped off his body while grieving.

A wide bench or couch, big enough to seat two people.

A long dress, and a shawl to be worn by Potiphar’s wife. The dress must be sleeveless so she can pull one of the straps down to feign she was attacked by Joseph.

A medium size box with various miscellaneous items that Joseph uses in Scene Four.

A make-up bag with mascara and a snap-shut powder compact.

A bottle of water for Potiphar’s wife to use to smear her make-up.

A silver cup for Joseph to pull out of Benjamin’s bag in Scene Ten.

10 large sacks or dustbin bags.

A wealthy-looking outfit for Joseph to wear when he becomes the Prime Minister.

A walking stick for Jacob to use in Scene 11. This must be sturdy enough to be dropped.