The Story of Joseph: Scene Two “Where is the Hand?”

Scene Two: Narration (Based on Genesis 37:21-24)

It is said that * “A brother offended is harder to win over than a fortified city and heated disagreements in families, like the bars of a castle.

The eldest brother, Reuben, didn’t think it was right for them to kill Joseph, but he didn’t speak up and share his feelings. Maybe he was scared that they would turn on him too and shut him out of their lives. So, he suggested that they throw him into a large pit instead.  They all agreed. Just before they threw him in, they pulled off his beautiful coat. Joseph sat alone in the pit. It was smelly, damp, dark and he was so afraid.

(*Proverbs 18:19 Amplified Version)

Scene Two: “Where is the Hand?” (Based on Genesis 37)


Where is the hand

God said he would extend,

if we ever needed

to confide in a friend?

Where is the ear

God said he would bend?

Where are the angels

God said he would send?

They have treated me

in this wicked fashion.

None of my siblings

had any compassion.

No-one came to help me,

so, here I sit,

freezing and frightened

in this lonely pit.

If they were from another tribe,

or from another land,

it wouldn’t be so hurtful

and maybe…I’d understand.

But my flesh and blood did this!

Now my heart is so frail!

It’s weak from the agony

of such a betrayal!

No-one to comfort me,

to say, ‘It’s alright.’

No face and no voice

to help me through the night.

This is the worst rejection

I have ever known.

I’ve never felt such fear –

never been…so alone.


Was I wrong about my God?

Fooled into thinking he was kind?

Were all those lovely promises

just rubbish from my mind?

Have I no destiny?

Is there nothing ahead?

Is my life just a waste?

Should I really be dead?

(loud sigh)

Where is the hand

to reach down and heal this pain?

Will my God ever show…

his love to me again?