The Story of Joseph: Scene Three “Secret Intention”

Scene Three: Narration (Based on Genesis 37:25-30)

Reuben intended to rescue Joseph when his other brothers weren’t looking. However, he walked away from the area, and by the time he came back, he discovered that poor Joseph had been sold to market traders while he was gone.

Yes, it was too late. Joseph was gone forever – sold to foreign people and sent to a country far away. Being the eldest son, Reuben knew that the responsibility of Joseph’s welfare ultimately rested on him, but his fear of his brothers got in the way and now he was tormented with a guilt that he would never be able to shake off.

Scene Three: “Secret Intention” (Based on Genesis 37:25-30)



Joseph! Joseph! Jo…

(Looks into the pit, screws his eyes up and stares. Gasps. Gets down on his knees and cups his hands over his eyebrows, staring right down inside. Sits up and stares into space, shocked.)

He’s gone!

(Turns his head around sharply and looks into the distance.)


(He slumps onto the ground and sits on his knees. His right hand rubs his temples.)

My secret intention,

was to hide my feelings,

for I was against

their evil dealings.

(Rips his tee-shirt with both hands going in opposite directions across his body)

Machinations of murder

and hearts that hated,

while I could have had him…


(Rips again)

Machinations of murder

and hearts that hated.

My intended assistance

is now belated.

(Rips again)

Machinations of murder

and hearts that hated.

My untimely plan,

means the boy has vacated.

(Rips again)

Machinations of murder

and hearts that hated.

Look, what sorrow

I have created!

(Rips again)

Machinations of murder

and hearts that hated.

He disappeared while

I secretly waited.

(Rips again and shouts)

Machinations of murder

and hearts that hated!

And now my own heart is,


(Sighs heavily)

Joseph. Oh Joseph! Poor Joseph!

(Looks at the audience)

My secret intention,

was to give him back,

but now he’s the victim

of a terrible attack!

(Gets up and faces Judah)

What have you done?

You raging maniac!

You took the boy away

while I turned my back!



You forget I’m the one

who loves to outwit.

That’s why I took him

out of the pit.

(Wiggles his finger accusingly)

I had a little hunch

that you cared for the boy…

(Taps his head)

…so, I concocted

a secret ploy.

(Puts his forefinger vertically over his lips while arm on other hand wraps around his waist. The elbow of the other hand will be resting on the wrist.)

Yes, I suspected

that you were a traitor,

(Raises his eyebrow)

plotting a rescue

for some time later.


Sorry to cause

such humiliation,

but I doubted your allegiance

and affiliation.


So, we sold him to traders

carrying some spice.


They were eager to take him!


We got a good price.


(Turns away from his brothers and looks down)

My secret intention,

was to be the deceiver,

but now I see,

I’m the receiver!


Yes, when you left,

we were inspired.

We sold your brother.

Your plan backfired.


This is disgusting,

and now I know,

it’s far better

to go against the flow.

This is terrible.

I should have put up a fight,

for it is far better

to stand up for what is right.

Why did I not

boldly speak,

and tell them it’s wrong

to bully the weak?

Why did I not

say what I thought?

Why did I not give him

any support?

Why was I a follower,

too scared to say no?

Instead of being brave,

I just put on a show.

(Pounds his fist into his palm)

Respect God, not evil!

Don’t be scared of the crowd!

Don’t fear repercussions.

Make yourself feel proud.

I deceived them into thinking

that I was on their side.

My responsibility,

was to be his guide.

Now I share the same guilt,

for in my absence, fate prevailed.

I let the bullies win.

My integrity has failed.

(Turns back to his brothers)

We cannot tell our father.

He’ll be a broken man.


(Puts his hand on Reuben’s shoulder and grins mischievously)

Do not worry big brother,

I have a cunning plan.