The Story of Joseph: Scene Four “The Cry of Jacob”

Scene Four: Narration (Based on Genesis 37:31-35)

The brothers knew that their father Jacob would be furious if he discovered what they had done.  They decided that the only way to prevent him from finding out, was to pretend that Joseph was dead. So, they ripped up Joseph’s coat, and dipped it in the blood of a dead animal, to make it look like he had been killed by something wild.

They took the coat back home to their father…

Jacob was deeply grieved. No-one could comfort him. He wept bitterly.

Scene Four: “The Cry of Jacob” (Based on Genesis 37:29-35)


When I first met her, she was beautiful,

a soft and smiling face.

Then in the tent, she looked horrific,

as I watched her grimace.

The pain soared through her body,

she screamed and tossed her head.

Her grip began to loosen,

and then my wife was dead.

Rachel, how I miss you!

You’re no longer on this earth.

You were such a great mother,

but you died in childbirth!

Each time I look at Benjamin,

I remember that dreadful day,

when I looked to God and screamed

“Why have you taken her away?”


And now Joseph. Oh, Joseph!

Oh God, my favourite son!

Lord, did I displease you?

Please tell me what I’ve done?

How could you cause such sorrow?

How could you break my heart?

How could you let an animal

tear my beloved son apart?

Rachel begged you for a child,

now both of them have died.

I thought you were walking with me,

but it seems you’ve left my side.

A promise was fulfilled,

and now it has been broken.

I wish I’d never asked you,

I wish you’d never spoken.

But you promised me Rachel

and promised her firstborn.

Now I’m devastated!

I’m completely torn!

Why did you say ‘Yes’ Lord,

if your promise was not real?

Does any other father

know exactly how I feel?

I’ve lost my dear Joseph –

He was second to none.

What am I going to do,

without my favourite son?