The Story of Joseph: Scene Five “Confrontation”

Scene Five: Narration (Based on Genesis 37:36 & 39:1-7)

The market traders who bought Joseph, took him to Egypt. These people were very different from him. Their language was different, they wore different clothes, and worst of all for him, they did not worship his God. The people around Joseph wondered why he worshipped God at all. Here was a man who claimed that God was loving and kind to those who serve him, yet here he was, sold by members of his own family, living as a slave in a country far away from home.

The man who bought Joseph from the traders was called Potiphar. He was a rich man who had an important job working for the King of Egypt. Joseph honoured God by being good, hardworking, and obedient and Potiphar noticed this. He watched the way Joseph was and realised that God was helping him in everything he did. Because of this, Potiphar promoted Joseph to overseeing everything in his house and everything he possessed.

However, Potiphar’s wife wasn’t so faithful. She did not love her husband the way a wife is supposed to. Instead, she kept looking at Joseph and wondering what life would be like if Joseph was to start loving her like a husband. She liked the way Joseph looked and tried to be with him as much as possible.

Poor Joseph. Everywhere he went, she was there behind him, trying to get him to follow her into her bedroom. Potiphar knew nothing of this and Joseph…well he knew nothing of what this woman was really capable of.

Scene Five: “Confrontation” (Based on Genesis 37:36 & 39:1-20)


(Talking to herself)

Just look at those muscles

showing through his shirt!


(Talking to himself)

I must be careful of this woman,

she’s beginning to flirt!

(He moves away)


(Watches him intently, twirling strands of hair around her forefinger)

I wonder what he looks like

when he’s completely…bare.

(She puts the index finger of her other hand between her teeth)


(Looks over his shoulder)

She’s made it quite clear

that she wants an affair.


(She approaches him and rubs a hand on his shoulder)

Joseph, you’re glowing.

Where did you get that tan?

Your skin is so golden.

You’re such a handsome man!

(Looks him in the eye)

You’ve been working all morning.

I think you need a rest.

(Runs a finger across his forehead)

There’s sweat on your brow.

Lay your head here on my chest.

(Joseph pulls away and walks rapidly to the other side of the room. Potiphar’s wife smiles and walks slowly towards him.)

I know you really want me,

I’ve seen you look my way.


(Avoiding eye contact)

I don’t know what you mean.

Let go, I need to pray.


You can do that after,

But first, let’s have some fun.


(Pulls away and looks upwards)

Father in Heaven, help me!

I think it’s time to run!



Oh, don’t go yet, I need you.

Why do you want to pray?

I’m a woman, can’t you see?

Joseph, are you gay?

(Pulls at her clothes)

Doesn’t it excite you

that I’m scantily clad?

You say you want to pray…

Joseph, are you mad?


I didn’t offer you my body

for you to reject.

(Puts on a childish voice)

I’m sad and unloved.

I’m suffering from neglect.


Oh, what do I see?

Is that a twinkle in your eye?

So, my beauty overwhelms you.


Joseph…are you…shy?

(Looks around in mock fear)

Come on, we’re both adults.

It’s okay, we’re allowed.


Let go!



Who do you think you are?

How dare you be so proud!


Look. Your husband is my boss,

He’s given me many things.

What kind of result

do you think this evil brings?

He’s trusted me, he’s cared for me,

How could I do a thing like this?



But Cutie, just think of

the pleasure you will miss.

(Pause as they stare at one another – him in disbelief and her cajoling with her eyes)

It can be our little secret –

I really think we should.

You deserve to be happy.

I can make you feel…good!

(She pulls him towards the bench and sits him down)

Look, the tension in your face.

Let me ease away the stress.

You can do what you like to me…

(She swivels round, bends her head, and sweeps her hair up from her neck so he can get to her zip)

Here…undo my dress.


(Stands up forcefully)

No! God is my creator,

He has given me this life.

How could I grieve his spirit

by taking someone else’s wife?

Stop…trying…to tempt…me!

I’m determined not to fall!

I refuse to make God angry.

I’m staying in my call.


The greatest pleasure

comes from serving the Lord.

(Her continued flippant manner angers him)

Go and buy some decent clothes

if you really are that bored!

(He takes a deep breath)

Now, I’m going to leave.

That’s the best thing to do.

I love Potiphar too much

and I’m a God-fearing Jew.

(She gets up and grabs at Joseph from behind. As Joseph runs out, she pulls off his shirt)

(A pause while Potiphar’s wife gets herself ‘ready’ for her husband’s arrival)


Hi Sweetie, I’m home.

(Stops abruptly as he sees her face)

Oh! Your face is a mess!

You’re crying and oh…

you’ve torn your best dress!


Something terrible has happened!

That man you think is so great…

Tried to take advantage of me

and left me in this state!

(Her eyes reveal that she’s struggling to make up a good story)

He wanted to lie with me

and of course…I said, no.

(More confident with her story)

Then he fled and left his shirt!

How could he stoop so low?


(Calling angrily)


(Joseph walks onto the stage looking confused)

You have shocked me greatly,

for I have been deceived.

I thought you were a faithful man.

Now I am just grieved.

(Hands on hips)

How dare you try

to seduce my wife!


(Glares at Potiphar’s wife who hides behind Potiphar)

What? Tell him the truth!

Put an end to this strife!


How do you explain this shirt?

You greedy, evil man!

This is evidence enough.


(From behind Potiphar -leans to the side so she can see Joseph)

Get out of that, if you can!


I’m telling the truth!

How could you believe this tale?


Guards! Come and take this man.

Throw Joseph in jail!