The Story of Joseph: Scene Six “Still Waiting”

Scene Six: “Still Waiting” (Based on Job 28, Genesis 39:21-23, Genesis 40:23)


People know how to

mine silver from the Earth.

They smelt copper from stone,

knowing how much it’s worth.

They know how to dig for gold,

and how to refine it.

It becomes a necklace,

for they know how to design it.

They know where iron ore is,

just by looking at the ground.

They know where to find crystal,

and where sapphires are found.

People find jewels

that no bird of prey can see,

cutting tunnels into rocks,

diving deep into the sea.

They have no doubt

that they will succeed,

but are coral and pearls

what they really need?

Do people know how to

ask for the best?

Do they know how to

make the perfect request?

I know wisdom is greater

Than the purest gold,

so I make no apology

for being so bold.

I’m angry and hurt

down here in this cell.

It feels like I’ve visited

the inner parts of Hell.


So give me wisdom Lord,

let me feel your touch.

I want to know what to do,

and I need you so much.

While others look for riches,

I look for your face.

Please guide me and lead me

right out of this place.

They say I have integrity,

that I’m different from the rest.

So why am I in here?

They like me? No, they jest!

I did not lie, I did not cheat,

and I did not rob.

Do they know I’m really innocent?

Is that why I got this job?


Then let me do it well Lord.

Give me wisdom to be,

a man who pleases you,

while I’m still waiting…

to be free.