Social Hysteria (Part of Chp.11)

Like a robot, I have followed,

Re-posted and commented,

Staring at my screen,

Like I’ve become demented.


I’ve sprinted with the crowd,

Brain-washed and devout,

Hooked to the online world,

As if I cannot do without.


Now I’m sick of Facebook –

All those phony posts.

Sick of silly quizzes –

All those brags and boasts.


Now I’m sick of Pinterest.

How much pinning does one need?

And if you pin something,

Is it ever on your feed?


Nine thousand photos saved,

Yet we go on pinning more.

We scroll and pin, scroll and pin

Until our hands get sore.


I am sick of LinkedIn,

People trying to look clever.

Do you ever get head-hunted

For the skills you listed? Never.


Who looks at your info’

Thinking you’ve fulfilled their dream?

You seem so amazing,

They want you to join their team?


Someone sees your stats’.

Your homepage tantalizes.

You are linked to thousands,

So, jealousy arises:


“Please, add me to your network,

See, I have twelve degrees.

I’m an Bsc. and a Gold DofE,

And I speak perfect Japanese.


No, I do not need a job,

But your profile’s more impressive.

I need connections with all the world

Because I am quite obsessive.”


To be on Tik Tok is more trendy,

Especially if you’re young.

Every girl thinks it’s cool

To show us all her tongue.


She poses in a crop top,

Like her favourite celebrity.

She holds her phone in front her face

And shapes her fingers into a ‘V’.


Nobody ever tells her

That she looks completely daft,

That what she’s emulating,

Has its roots in witchcraft.


Oh those Instagram selfies!

Bunny ears and kitten noses.

Bored people who waste time

Snapping sultry poses.


I’m Sick of Twitter-ing people,

With nothing much to say.

Does it add any quality

To my God-given day?


Too many opinions,

I don’t need to hear.

Words filling my head

Each time I go near.


I’m too drawn into YouTube,

Hypnotised by my tribe.

In my sleep I hear pleading,

“Please like me and subscribe.”


Even while I’m watching

My hand is still scrolling!

This pull is far too strong.

This system, too controlling!


I’m sick of pressing, ‘SEND’.

Things have to get better!

I’m going back to the art

Of taking time to write a letter.


I’m going back to the art

Of following God’s leading,

Goodbye social media,

It’s the bible I am reading.